Our Mission
“We live to glorify God by making fully devoted followers of Jesus who love God with all of their heart, soul, mind and strength and share His love with one another and everyone in their path.”
The Word Of God
The Bible is central in all we do. Whether it is Biblical preaching, small group Bible study, or seeking to daily open God’s Word as we grow in our relationship with Him, it is foundational for truth and a guide for our lives.
It doesn't take long to realize we are a church that is laid back and likes to laugh! We are daily learning to enjoy God more and more, develop Godly friendship as we fellowship together, and radiate His joy into the dark world around us.
Everyone Is A Servant
We believe we are all called to serve! We seek to develop servant’s hearts and encourage you to find and grow in your gifts as God guides you into the ministry He has called you to.
Whether it is homebound visitation, Manna House, or children’s ministry, we all have a place in the puzzle!
Church begins at home! We are moving in a direction of being more intentional about training families to center their homes around Christ as they worship together, serve together and grow in God’s grace on a DAILY basis. We believe that healthy, blossoming marriages and families who follow Christ are the lighthouses in our community.
We don’t wear masks at Calvary! We are creating an atmosphere where it is not only OK to share your struggles, sins and sorrows, it is encouraged. We don’t pretend to have it all down or be even close to perfect. We are all a work in progress and being honest with where we are on our spiritual journey encourages us to grow in His grace and walk with our King!
We believe God has strategically placed you as a witness to your family, neighbors, co workers, friends, and those He brings across your path! Personal evangelism and discipleship is our calling and the key to Kingdom growth! We are ever seeking to encourage and equip you to follow His calling in your life and be a witness both in word and deed to those around you.
Intimate Prayer
Prayer is something that every Christian believes in, but not everyone practices! Prayer is not just requesting things from God, it is getting to know Him. We desire to be a church that daily depends on God through prayer, and lives life in a way that shows we believe in the power of Christ centered prayer both individually and as a body.
Living In Biblical Community
Our prayer is that God continue to mold us into “the New Testament church” he has called us to be. A place where we are committed to the teaching of God’s Word, fellowship, the breaking of bread and prayer. A place where we can be encouraged, held accountable, share our sorrows and our joys, and be used for His glory. We genuinely care for one another and share that care more intimately through our Sundays School classes and throughout the whole of our church.
We believe that every part of the body of Christ is just as important as the other. You bring your unique gifts, talents and personality as we work TOGETHER to glorify our King!