Calvary Small Groups

Acts 2:42,46: And they were devoting themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayers…breaking bread from house to house.

Join us as we “be the church” and celebrate the lord, Acts 2:42 style, with food, fellowship, study of his word, and prayer.

CBC Members and anyone who has attended a Discover Calvary class are welcome to attend any of our home groups! Please see Lyn, Josh, or Chris for more information.

Note: Breeze login required. Make sure “Main” calendar is visible.

2025 Small Groups:

  • Leaders: Holly/Henson

    NOTE: The January meeting is 1/21/24 (3rd Sunday)

  • Leaders: Flanagan/Kissling/Lee

The first two groups are open to any member/visitor who is looking for a small group.

  • Leaders: Anderson/McNabb

  • Leaders: Stapleton/Pinkston

  • Leaders: Milton/Keane

  • Leaders: Hubbard/Davis

  • Leaders: Lee/Flanagan

    Note: This online men’s Bible study meets weekly using the Telegram messaging app. The first 45-50 minutes are spent going verse-by-verse through a book of the Bible (currently Acts), and the last 10-15 minutes are spent discussing prayer requests and praying for one another.

Home Group Contact form

If you are interested in joining a Calvary Home group, complete the form below. We will get back to you ASAP.