Lyn & Lissa Holly, Senior Pastor/Elder

Lyn & Lissa Holly, Senior Pastor/Elder

Join Us This Sunday

“How to Root out Bitterness”

Psalm 4:4; Hebrews 12:15; Deuteronomy 29:18

CBC Worship Live

Every Sunday, 11am

From the Pastor's Heart

Dear Church Family,


It’s time to dive in! I want to give you 5 reasons to dive all the way into what God is doing in our Calvary fellowship:

1. God is showing His favor in the life of our church. We see it all around us and in every way. We are doing God’s work God’s way and God is showing us His favor.

2. There is a spirit of unity in our church. While many churches struggle with division, factions, and power plays, our church is spiritually unified around His Word. Our Elders have the mind of Christ and are seeking His will in all things.

3. Real disciples are actually being made here. Men and women are truly growing in their relationship with the Lord. Men are stepping up and leading their families spiritually. New leaders are emerging within the fellowship.

4. Hungry people are being fed. Manna House is providing food for 450-500 hungry people every month!

5. Chains are being broken. In some ways, our Celebrate Recovery has become our flagship ministry. We have seen people come into CR, receive Christ, and become active members and leaders in our church. Also, active members are coming into our CR and getting help for various hurts, habits, and hang-ups. To God be the glory!


Now, it is time for you to dive all the way in and be a part of what God is doing in our church!

Lyn and Lissa